Scrutinizing the Historical Dimension of Space in the Social Rhythm of Communal Space

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in Urban Planning


Effectiveness of the communal spaces from social behaviors and legal and economic mechanisms as part of the city context gives a distinct and distinctive nature to it. That is qualified to have a social-spatial continuity. It has been considered as the topic of studies by scholars of various fields, including geographers, anthropologists, theoretical sociologists, archaeologists, urban planners etc. Regardlless of the advancement of systems and institutions that are effective on the formation and management of urban spaces throughout history, most of the communal spaces while preserving their initial character are considered as the dynamic, active and responsive spaces. Assuming that the stability of space is subject to the lack of change in behavior and the continuity of specific behavior over time explains the existence of specific philosophy for that behavior, based on library studies and field observations and by means of a survey method the current research has investigated two instances of communal spaces with the aim of recognizing the dimensions of the collective activity continuity in space - which is as important as urban changes –,. The spatial evolution rhythm is schemed on the chart, which demonstrates the man’s collective action and the physical space in a continuous relationship with the axis of time, and exemplifies the prominence of the historical dimension of the place as one of the most effective factors in the quality of communal space. The research results suggest that the synergy resulting from the rhythm coordination of social, economic, political, etc. behaviors leads to the manifestation of multi-dimensional and open public spaces in social life. And it can improve the social solidarity and cultural richness and also, through role stabilization, it can remain dynamic.
