Publication Ethics

Journal of Art and Civilization of the Orient (JACO) is committed to its duties and responsibilities and encourages authors, reviewers, journal editors and editor-in-chief to observe the following principles of professional ethics while cooperating with this journal.


Obligations of the Publisher

  • Currently, there are no fees for submission, review process and publication, but any changes in the policy of the journal for applying fees will be accurately announced and the fee amount and terms of payment will be specified.
  • The review process of the manuscripts in this journal is double-blind and the journal must send the articles to the reviewers without disclosing the names and information of authors, and the authors of the article should not know the names and information of the reviewers.
  • The final version of the manuscript (edited and formatted) should be sent to the author(s) and should be published after it is approved by the author(s).
  • The publisher must spot and track the potential scientific and literary plagiarism or any misconduct and in the event of proving such cases, retract the published article by mentioning the reasons for the journal.
  • The publisher must monitor the implementation of the ethics by editor-in-chief, editors and reviewers and deal with the act of violation.
  • If authors request to add or delete one or more authors from the article, or modify the order of authors’ names and present compelling reasons to journal, the publisher should provide the author(s) with such a possibility even after the publication of the article.
  • The publisher is required to protect the intellectual rights of authors in accordance with the rules of reproduction of the work (copyright).


Duties of Editor-in-Chief and Editors

  • The process of receiving and reviewing articles should be away from any discrimination (including gender, physical, ethnic, religious, national, or any other type of discrimination).
  • The process of receiving, reviewing, and accepting articles should not be affected at any stage by the conflict of interest of the editor-in-chief or editors of the journal.
  • The editor-in-chief and editorial board members should participate in suggesting reviewers for submitted articles, but just internal manager could send the articles to reviewers. The editor-in-chief and editorial board members do not have access to this process.
  • In the case that editor-in-chief submits an article to the Journal, the editorial board members suggest the reviewers, then internal manager sends the article to the reviewers. Here, Editor-in-chief should not have access to the names of reviewers. In the case that one of the editorial board members submits an article to the Journal, the editor-in-chief and other members of editorial board (except one who submits the article) suggest the reviewers and internal manager sends the article to the reviewers.
  • The process of receiving and accepting articles should be based on scientific worthiness, not commercial interests.
  • The process of receiving and reviewing articles should be based on a precise and timely schedule and the acceptance or non-acceptance of the work (with reasons) must be communicated to the author in an accurate and transparent manner.
  • The submitted articles and the information of the authors must be confidential to the editor-in-chief or editors and executive members of the journal and should not be disclosed and published in any circumstances before the final acceptance and publication of the article.
  • Refused manuscripts should not be used in any way by the editor-in-chief or editors of the journal.
  • The editor-in-chief must make sure that the publication of any article does not endanger the interests of the particular individual or group.
  • The editor-in-chief should consider the authors' request for reviewing or not reviewing their articles by special reviewers and if the reasons are sufficient, the editor-in-chief should accept the request.
  • The editor-in-chief and editors of the journal must have specific rules for refusing or revising the manuscripts or articles in possible cases of duplicate and redundant publications.
  • If authors have complaints about review process, or any comments about the submitting to acceptance procedure, they may submit their appeal or protest in a text entitled "Request a Complaint" and upload it through ‘Add files’ tab on their personal page in the journal website. The editor-in-chief should consider the authors' request, and answer to the request in a short while. 


Duties of reviewers

  • The Reviewers should review articles based on the subject area of the journal.
  • The reviewing process should be finished within a specific time frame, and reviewers should return the articles at the time scheduled by the journal.
  • Reviewers should report their decision on accepting or rejecting the article in a transparent and precise manner, and any required amendment should be explained in a precise manner.
  • Reviewers should keep the information of manuscripts confidential.
  • Reviewers should not use the information of articles for their own advantage.
  • Reviewers must inform the editor-in-chief about possible cases of plagiarism or works that are not appropriately cited.


Duties of Authors

  • Submitted manuscripts must scientifically meet the interest of the journal and be in accordance with the writing standards and the ethical principles of research.
  • Authors should not submit the same manuscript for publication or review to another journal.
  • Authors should confirm the originality and the novelty of the results of the submitted manuscript and confirm the authorship of articles and ensure that they are based on their own personal research.
  • Authors must avoid redundant and duplicate publications.
  • Authors must declare all financial and non-financial support and funding agencies in the paper.
  • Authors must declare all the relationships that could lead to conflict of interest in writing the article.
  • Authors must ensure that no individual or group rights has been subjected to bullying in the process of research.
  • Authors must ensure that the publication of the article does not endanger the interests of any particular group.
  • Authors must be aware of any case of plagiarism and avoid using other authors’ works without proper citation.
  • Authors must properly cite the sources used in the article and prepare them based on the instructions of the Journal and provide the journal with the original sources upon request.
  • Authors should submit the raw data, interviews or questionnaires and other instruments used in the research upon request.
  • If the article has more than one author, all authors must contribute to the writing of the article and be aware of its contents; all authors must be responsible for the content published in the article.
  • All authors must agree on selecting the corresponding author of the article (for future correspondence and pre-release review and revision processes).
  • If the article has more than one author, the order of the author’s names should be agreed upon by all.
  • Authors should allow the journal to language and (if necessary) content editing.
  • Authors must notify the journal about possible errors in the published article and if necessary, collaborate with the journal to correct or withdraw the article.
  • As this journal is open access, authors -apart from retaining the ownership-of the article- allow the journal to publish their works and allow anyone to use the article with the appropriate citations of the source.
  • Authors must meet the guide for authors and publication ethics before submitting their manuscripts, and all authors must confirm and sign the related form.