Aesthetics of Bazar Inmedina of Morocco

Document Type : Research Paper


M.A in Iranian Architecture Studies


Bazar as one of the architectural elements plays the role of the city’s backbone in Islamic cities. The study of this element in different cities, their similarities and differences, can inform us on how various Bazars has formed. This research studies Moroccan Bazars in Medina (historical context) in six cities of Rabat, Tangier, Tetouan, Fes, Meknes and Morocco. The current study attempts to identify the influential elements in the aesthetics of the Bazars of this country and to study their aesthetics by sampling the most famous Bazars. The information in the current study was obtained from field observations and library studies in order to respond the questions of what are the common elements in the selected examples, which can be used as the aesthetic principles of Morocco and how the Moroccan Bazars are formed.Studying the case studies shows that three areas of meaning, activity, and body with their related examples are the factors affecting the aesthetic of the Moroccan Bazars. In the all of existing examples, the homogeneity of the Bazars with mediums, the formation of the residential and commercial operation alongside, and the simplicity of spaces are three examples with more repetition in Bazars that they have higher values than the other ones.
