Semiotic-cultural Definition of “Place” (Case Study: Persian Language)

Document Type : Research Paper


Imam Khomeini International University, Iran


Phenomenological and poststructuralist approaches in the field of architecture are among the latest considerable efforts to define the concept of "place". Phenomenology, however, by emphasizing the static ontological nature of places, fails to consider socio-cultural aspects in the production of places. On the other hand, poststructuralist relativity and endless chain of signification are more confusing for designers rather than useful. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to introduce a holistic definition of the concept of "place" which gives more attention to the socio-cultural aspects of places –in addition to considering human experience– so that it can be applicable for designers. In order to achieve this purpose, the article mainly takes advantage of the semiotic approach. The article concludes with a discussion of the concept of place from the standpoint of layered semiotics and the study of semantic field of "space and place" in Persian language to understand people’s desires and expectations of places in Iranian culture as a case study.
