The Lost Parts of Iran Art and Civilization in the Greater Khorasanand Transpotamia – Middle Asia

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D in History of Art


From a long time, large segments of the middle Asia have been accounted for the vast Iranian and the greater Khorasan territories. In this geographical-cultural region, Iranian and Turk ethnics had inhabited with different rituals and beliefs where they have created magnificent civilization and art in the ancient period and the Islamic era, despite much more disastrous events in the course if time crippled by the inhabitants of the territories, their cultures have remained strongly and consistently. Even though the communist domination in the region had caused heavy plights, but it could not make them totally uncultured; so that the peoples, especially elders and adults have retained their beliefs and traditions. On the other hand, after getting independence and freeing from fascism, they have rapidly taken steps to revitalize their cultural-artistic legacies. The cultural stability in these territories implies its rich background which, like other parts of the motherland, has already fed by roots of cultural identity in spite of harsh political, social and economic transformations, and has been steadily able to survive as s segment of the Iranian cultural integrity. This study reviews the most characteristics of the territory’s history of culture.
